After a long illness, my wife was nearing the end of her life. She was admitted to Hospice where we met Gabi for the first time. Her kind, gentle and compassionate nature made my wife instantly comfortable. Gabi always had way of knowing what kind of help Elen needed. If it was just some water, some personal care or just sitting with her, providing comfort. We could not have gotten a better caregiver than Gabi.

Daniel, Hilo

Gabi took care of my Daughter who was facing the last few months of her terminal illness. Gabi was always kind and gentle. When giving personal care, there was never any roughness or rush. Gabi made a point of checking in on my Daughter on a regular bases. Always ready to give my Daughter a foot massage, sitting with her when Karen became restless or putting on some calming music. There was so much love and caring radiating from Gabi’s personality. Karen felt safe and well taken care off.

Dora, Hilo

My wife was near the end of her life. When I brought her to hospice, she was frightened, restless and calling out for help. Most of the caregivers didn’t know how to handle Mary. Gabi was different. Her gentle approach made Mary calm down quickly. Gabi asked me about things that Mary liked and that would calm her down. I simply said…. just love her. And that’s what Gabi did. She was always there but not in an intrusive way. When the time came and Mary was just hours away from dying, Gabi put on Mary’s favorite music ( Elvis Presley Gospel music ), dimmed the lights in her room and just spread a lot of calmness and peace. Mary died with a smile on her face.

Paul, Hilo

As a Colleague of Gabi’s for years, I saw how her presence made a difference. Gabi was heart-centered and passionate about her work. With all of her years of experience, Gabi confidently and skillfully provides hands-on care to the dying. She is diligent about understanding what is needed and how to support people and loved ones. She is committed and takes her responsibilities seriously. I would recommend Gabi as a Death Doula if you or a loved one needs support in the last months of life.

Janelle, RN Hilo

Gabi was able to give me peace just by reassuring me that our Heavenly Father loves me and will help me through this rough time. Gabi was able to just sit and listen to me. She had this very caring and calming energy about her that radiated nothing but love and comfort. Thank you, Gabi. You are an angel.

Amy, RN Hilo

After my Brother had been found dead in his dorm room I was devastated and couldn’t wrap my head around it. I couldn’t sleep or eat and went into a deep depression. Without my knowledge, my Mother had visited Gabi a few days earlier. She advised me to go and see her. I had nothing to lose. Besides praying with me and for me there was nothing else that she did. She was there and listening to what I had to say. I can’t describe it but her presence alone was comforting and reassuring. Pray to God. Thank Him for all those years you had with your Brother. And ask Him to ease your pain. I will never get over my Brother’s death. But I learned that praying to our Heavenly Father will help me to get through this hard time.

Myself and my whole family will be grateful to Gabi forever

Kalani P.

Gabi was with us when our Dad/ Grandfather died peacefully at the Hospice of Hilo. Everyone in our family was grief-stricken and we couldn’t believe that Dad had died so quickly. There was so much we wanted to tell him. So much to ask him. The Nurse said to us that Gabi has a gift and she can talk to our Dad. We asked the Nurse to send Gabi to our room. We all ( 16 of us ) were a bit skeptical at first. But after asking Dad questions ( Gabi had told us that Dad could still hear us ) that were only known to our family, Gabi connected with our Dad and the answers she got from him were completely satisfying and wiped away our skepticism. Gabi also gave us a sense of closure.

Thank you, Gabi. You are truly a blessing for us and the Hospice of Hilo

Jordyn C.