I am Gabriele McClure. And I am glad that you found this page.

I have always been fascinated by death and spirituality.   Working as a Hospice CNA ( Certified Nurse Aide ) for nearly 20 years gave me incredible insight and knowledge about dying and death.

After my Husband died in 2018 I realized how unprepared I was. I knew what Rocky wanted at the end of his life, but there was so much more. The dying part felt “easy“. When it came to the “business” part, I struggled—changing the name on utility bills, closing bank accounts or cleaning out his closet. It made me realize that my Husband was gone, really gone. Without the help of friends, Church and co-workers I would have been completely lost. That is when I knew that there was not only a need for supporting people to die in the comfort of their own home with dignity and respect, but also for supporting the family to navigate the difficult journey that often follows.

In 2010 I earned my Reiki Master certificate. Through Reiki I might not be able to accomplish physical healing, but I will be able to make the journey to the end less stressful. I recently completed my diploma program in Addiction and Family counseling. I was given the gift of communicating with loved ones who have died. And while living in Hawaii for many years, I was able to help a lot of people find closure in the death of their loved ones. My work as a medium is fascinating, interesting and also helpful.

Because I was “forced” into retirement ( I had hip replacement surgery ), I decided to go back to school. I took a 1-year diploma program in Addiction and Family counseling. I completed it in January 2024, and graduated with honors in June of 2024. My specialty will be in grief, bereavement and depression.

Early 2024 I started a Death Cafe here in Saskatoon. Have a look at my “

I am very passionate about what I do.